Open vs. Closed Fracture

An open fracture is an injury that not only damages the bone but will break the skin. This can cause the bone to protrude out of the skin. Surgery is required to repair the bone and to close the wound in the skin. Antibiotics may also be necessary to prevent infection.

A closed fracture occurs when there is bone breakage but no break in the skin. Typically bruising and swelling are present at the fracture site.

The Benefits of Shape-up Shoes

Shape-up Shoes
Shape-up Shoes










Shape-up shoes are a new trend in the fitness world.  They are designed to challenge your balance while walking; therefore, increasing muscle tone to your calf, hamstring, core, and gluteus muscles.  There are many different brands that make these types of shoes and each brand has a different take on the idea. The Shape- up shoe has a built up sole which brings your center of gravity in a more forward position.  Therefore, your hamstrings, gluteus, calf, and core musculature are firing greater to maintain your balance.  Compared to wearing normal sneakers, you are working these muscles more with activity. 

 These shoes are beneficial to people that enjoy walking for exercise and would like to target their hamstring, gluteus, core, and calf muscles.  As with ankle/hand weights, shape-ups are another device to challenge your muscles in a different way with weight bearing exercise.  For people who work out at the gym or run, this will not substitute your typical exercise routine.  This is something you could add to your routine to challenge your balance, while performing your workout. 

 A lot of these shoes have a rocker bottom sole.  Rocker bottom sole shoes have been used for years to help treat patients with certain foot conditions.  However, most of the shoes made years ago are not stylish so compliance is always an issue.  With Shape-up shoes, they have inadvertently made a shoe with a rocker bottom that is in vogue.  Below are some reasons why a person would benefit from a rocker bottom sole shoe.   

 Depending where the rocker bottom is placed, it has different benefits.  If the rocker bottom is placed behind the ball of the foot, it aids in putting less pressure on the ball of the foot and the big toe.  Therefore, many people use this type of shoe to help diminish foot pain with walking.  When the rocker point is thicker in the back of the shoe, this limits ankle and mid-foot motion.  This helps to limit pressure placed on the heel of the foot.  

 Shape-ups should not be worn by people with balance disorders, chronic back pain, or a history of ankle pain.  If you are unsure if you are a candidate for these shoes, consult your doctor or physical therapist.

Tips to Reduce Back Pain While Driving

Most car manufacturers develop their seating options based on the aesthetics of the car versus the comfort of the driver and passenger.  Back pain can develop or increase from improper seating posture while driving.  Finding the correct seating setting is beneficial, especially for people that drive as an occupation. Therefore, listed below are some tips to reduce back pain while driving.

  1. Avoid driving for more than 2 hours at a time. Get out of the car, walk, and stretch your legs.
  2. Sit with your bottom all way back in the seat and use the vehicles built in lumbar support to provide cushion to your lumbar spine. If you don’t have a lumbar support, roll up a towel and place it in the curve of your low back.
  3. The back rest should have about a 10-15 degree incline. Most people tend to have the back rest too far tilted backward.
  4. Your knees should have about a 45 degree bend. You don’t want your legs so straight that you are reaching for the pedals. It you are short, some dealerships sell pedal extensions.
  5. Use cruise control while on long highway driving.
  6. Try to maintain good posture, and make sure you have good visibility with your mirrors.
  7. Take the wallet out of your back pocket and avoid wearing a tight belt. This can add pressure to the back.
  8. For long car trips, adjust your seat every 30 minutes. To prevent constant pressure on the same areas on your body, slightly adjust the backrest angle.

Benefits of Massage

Many people receive massages to relieve stress and relax their mind and body.  Physical Therapists use massage techniques along with exercise to achieve functional improvements. Physical therapists are trained to perform therapeutic massages to promote healing of an injury.  Not all physical therapy patients receive massage techniques.  The use of massage techniques for your specific condition is determined by your physical therapist. 

Some benefits of massage are increasing joint flexibility, promoting tissue regeneration, decreasing scar tissue, decreasing swelling, decreasing muscle spasms, relaxing overused muscles, improving circulation, decreasing stress, improving posture, decreasing blood pressure, managing pain, and increasing range of motion.

 If you are interested in learning more about the use of therapeutic massage for your condition, please contact us.